Welcome to our Fellowship! We strive to provide the most accessible environment that we can.
Ramps and Entrances
Our front ramp provides access to the building's sanctuary.
Our back ramp provides access to the lower-level Fellowship hall. |
We offer Disabled Parking spaces adjacent to concrete walkways.
Restrooms Restrooms have a stall with grab bars and enough space for a wheelchair. They are located in the upper-level entryway. |
Other Accessibility Concerns
While some conditions are obvious, others, such as allergies and chemical sensitivities also may affect an individual's ability to comfortably participate. We ask you to respect all of these concerns.
Perfume, Cologne, and After Shave
Please refrain from using these products when you come to UUFSA. These scents can cause problems for people with allergies, asthma, migraines, or multiple chemical sensitivities. Food
Some people have food allergies or dietary requirements. You may be asked about the ingredients in a dish that you bring to a potluck or other occasion. If you don’t mind the extra work, you can write down the ingredients for dishes you bring. If you have a food allergy or special dietary need, please speak up! |